Terms of Purchase
Terms and conditions Color Me Perfect AB
These terms and conditions ("Terms and Conditions") apply to purchases from Color Me Perfect AB, 559387-0198. (hereinafter referred to as CMP).
Postal address: Hantverksgatan 20A, 371 35 Karlskrona, Sweden
Email address: info@becomeabettercolorist.com
CMP sells the book "Become a better colorist" as well as courses and associated accessories / tools there via the Internet to its customers ("Customer") in Sweden and to other countries preferably within Europe and the rest of the world. Customer is companies, organizations and public institutions (collectively "Corporate customer"). Sales are made through the website www.becomeabettercolorist.com, mobile applications or according to an individually signed agreement. By completing an order in the above channels or by signing an agreement as above, the Customer accepts the terms of the Agreement. CMP reserves itself for any errors in article information or otherwise on the Websiteon.
Applicable product price excluding VAT is the price that appears on the Website when ordering. CMP reserves the right to change product prices without prior notice.
Foreign corporate customers within the EU are charged Swedish VAT in cases where they have not declare a correct VAT registration number. Business customers outside the EU are not charged Swedish VAT.
Current fees are shown on the Website. Shipping fee / cost for the delivery of a maximum of 2 books stated when ordering / payment. For deliveries of more than 2 books, an additional one is added shipping fee based on CMP cost of delivery. Any import and customs fees are paid by the buyer.
Orders can only be placed on the Website or via mobile applications, unless a special agreement has been made for another order. Binding agreements arise when CMP has confirmed the order by e-mail. CMP reserves the right to final sale of ordered product.
Notifications on order / payment are normally sent to the e-mail address registered by the Customer when ordering. Messages in connection with any complaints are also sent to this address. The customer undertakes to monitor his e-mail after the order has been placed. When paying by card, the customer must state the card number, the card's expiry date and CVC number. Payment processing / Card processing takes place using Shopify Payments unless otherwise agreed.
Delivery normally takes place with a bill of lading up to 2 kg. Over 2 kg., deliveries are made with DHL/UPS. . If part of the order is delayed, the delivery may be split. If the delivery is divided into several shipments, the Customer is charged no additional shipping fee. CMP is responsible for the goods up to the delivery to the Customer. The item is considered delivered when the shipment is distributed in a mailbox, handed off as a package at the door, collected from an agent or acknowledged upon delivery to the door. If the Customer does not pick up a shipment, or the shipment is returned due to incorrectly registered information, CMP has the option of charging a fee, as compensation for shipping and overhead. Customer is responsible for all products that are returned to CMP. The product is considered delivered when the customer return has been received and registered with CMP. When returning from abroad, CMP has the right to charge the Customer all shipping costs for the shipment, as well as a fee as compensation for handling and overhead.
· Invoice Number
· Description of the products the customer wants to file a claim about
The customer has the right to return faulty products at CMP's expense, provided the customer follows CMP's instructions.
Returns may not be sent back by method of cash on delivery.
2. Keep the product and receive a refund based on an agreed upon price reduction; or
3. Cancel the purchase, whereby the product is returned and the Customer is refunded.
In addition to what appears in the Terms and Conditions, CMP is not responsible for errors or delays, and CMP is not liable for direct or indirect damage. CMP is not responsible for the content of websites linked from the Website or App. CMP does not guarantee the functionality, availability, quality, usability or security of the Website / App.
CMP is not responsible for unauthorized access to or alteration of such Customer information obtained through the Website or for the possible criminal use of such by others. CMP is not responsible for the infringement of a third party's intellectual property rights through the use of the services provided through the Website or App. CMP is not responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, arising from the use of the inability to use the Website. CMP's liability under no circumstances exceeds the price paid for the current purchase. The above does not apply if damage is caused by CMP's intent or gross negligence, or otherwise by mandatory law. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that unauthorized persons do not gain access to the Customer's username and password.
To shop via the Website, your browser needs to be set to accept Cookies. Cookies are used to give you as a visitor access to various functions on the Website, such as the shopping cart, repetition of previous searches and in the technical communication with third party services. The Cookies do not contain any personal information. Cookies are also used to store non-personal aggregated visitor statistics in Google Analytics, an analysis tool CMP uses to improve the user experience on the Website. By navigating the Website, you give your consent to the handling of Cookies as described above. The Cookies are stored on your computer until you delete them yourself.
Swedish law must be applied to all purchases from CMP. Disputes must be settled in and by the Swedish general court.
These Terms and Conditions were last amended on 7/1/2022 and are valid until further notice.